Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Origins Assignment - Due September 8th

Origins Assignment
U.S. History Family History & Immigration
50 points
Due: September 8th
History is not just about “them;” it’s about us. The purpose of this assignment is two-fold: to come to a better understanding of what has happened to our own families over time and to see how we fit within the framework of a growing young nation.  Your heritage helps to make you what you are today; our collective heritage creates our nation.

Part One – Family Background
For this assignment, you will research your parents, grandparents and so on until you find the first member of that line to immigrate to the United States.  Find out where they immigrated from and see what conditions were like when they left, comparing them with what the United States when they came here.  Once you have found this family member, you need to answer the following questions to the best of your understanding in a series of paragraphs. You may not have answers to all of these questions, but try to cover as much as possible and do so as thoroughly as you can, providing examples whenever possible to illustrate what you have to say.

1.      What factors influenced their decision to leave their original home?
2.      What factors influenced their decision to come to the United States?
3.      What were the conditions in their country of origin at the time they left?
4.      What was happening in local, national or world affairs at that time?
5.      What part of the United States did they originally come to?
6.      Where in the United States has your family lived since then? 
7.      Why did your family finally come to Utah?
8.      How have attitudes toward the old country and the U.S. changed from generation to generation? Have you always been of the same social class? What is it (working class, middle class – business owners – or aristocracy)? Have your fortunes improved or worsened?
9.      If you still have contact with relatives in the “old country”, how are your family’s lives different than the family members there?
10.  Are you glad that your family moved here?  Why or why not?

To locate this information you will need to ask family members and consult written material and other documents, like photographs (primary sources and, possibly, secondary sources).  Bring the answers to class ready to share and then turn in.

Part Two – Family Story
Find a story about this person’s life.  It can be about a single event of their life or it can be a brief life history of the person.  Bring this to class to share and then turn in.

Note: If this assignment is impossible due to circumstances beyond your control (laziness or unwillingness to dig through your family’s history is not a good excuse), please come talk to me and we can work out an alternate assignment.

Menu Entree 1 - You: Autobiographically - Due August 28

I am posting this assignment here, but it is also on the link for Writing Assignments.  I have adjusted the due date.  I'm excited to see your writing.  :)

You: Autobiographically
Due: Thursday, August 28
In this assignment, you will write a 100-150 word autobiographical paragraph about you.  The paragraph should be in 3rd person story form and you need to be sure to SHOW not tell about yourself.  Fill out as many of the following details about yourself as you can before you write.  Use at least one simile, one metaphor and one example of personification. 

Must be typed.

        * Name                                        * Age                                              * Job
        * Ethnicity                                  * Appearance                                  * Residence
        * Pets                                          * Religion                                        * Hobbies
        * Siblings? If so, describe           * Parents/Guardians
        * Temperament                           * Favorite color                               * Friends
        * Favorite foods, drinks, desserts, snacks, etc.                                   * Phobias
        * Faults                                       * Something hated                          * Secrets
        * Strong memories                      * Any illnesses or health problems
        * Nervous gestures                      * Sleep patterns                               *Random whatever else


Jenna jerked open the dented door of her Honda and tossed her knitted attaché case onto the front seat.  It smelled like an abandoned Dominos Pizza restaurant causing her to hold her fingers under her nose until she acclimated. As she settled in behind the steering wheel, she realized she had forgotten her keys – the ones with The Clapper on them.  She started back to her apartment building, shuddering inwardly as she noticed a tomcat peering at her from behind her neighbor’s scooter.  Back inside, she twisted a sandy curl in her fingers, trying to remember what she had come back for.  Her Power Rangers lunch box stared at her from the counter; she sighed heavily, grabbed it and ran back out the door.  On the second to the last step out to the parking lot, she remembered her keys again.  She rubbed her temples hoping to combat the effects of the measly two hours of sleep the night before and thought absently about maybe taking the bus.  Clearly this day would be a battle.