Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Scholastic Summer Poetry Contest

Studio 360's Summer Poetry Challenge: Battle of the High School Bards
We want to hear your voices! Don't leave your best work inside a notebook - send it to us!

We're looking for poetry by current or rising 9th to 12th grade high school students. Studio 360 will post a featured submission online every week, and rising poetry star Dorothea Lasky will pick a winner live on the show!
Your assignment
Write a poem on the theme of summer. Your poem can be rhymed, free verse, blank verse, spoken-word, whatever you choose.
How to Submit
All rising 9th to 12th grade high school students are invited to submit. You do not need to have won a Scholastic Art & Writing Award to participate. Both text and audio submissions will be accepted. Visit Studio 360 to upload your work. 
The deadline is August 18.