Disclosure Document

Socratic 11
Mrs. Shannon Cannon

I am so excited to begin this school year with you.  There are so many incredible things to learn about and discuss in United States history and I have the great pleasure of studying and preparing for us to learn together.  I expect you to take seriously your responsibility to do the same.  This will be as awesome as we make it.

This year we will be studying U.S. history from pre-Columbus to Reconstruction and English concepts including literary analysis, various types of writing (narrative, informative, argumentative, and research), and participating in gobs of Socratic discussions.  We will read Scarlet Letter, Huck Finn, Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, excerpts from The Real George Washington, Walden, and Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and many important historical documents and writings.  We will participate in debates, projects, and simulations all geared to help us understand, apply, analyze, evaluate and use the information we are studying.

Graded work will include:
           -Reading and annotating books, historical documents, and writings of notable historical figures
           -Preparing for and participating in simulations, debates, and other projects
           -History notes: You will have the opportunity to take notes on the history we discuss during class.  This will not be graded, but occasionally I will allow you to use your notes on quizzes or tests, so although note-taking may be below root canals on your list of fun things to do, it is highly advisable.  In the past students have resorted to taking pictures of my notes on the board instead of taking notes.
           -Weekly writing assignments based on writing concepts discussed in class (including research writing, persuasive essays, stories, poetry, narratives, etc.).  Occasionally, the student will be able to choose the type of writing they want to complete for the week.
           -Tests: Please be aware that I will occasionally give tests that are uniquely created to help you understand, evaluate, synthesize, analyze, critique, and apply the topics we have studied during the unit.
           -Commonplace/Writing Notebooks: Daily assignments in our commonplace/writing notebooks will help us gather ideas, resources, and develop our personal writing style and voice.  Often, these will be completed in class, but ¼ of the notebook must be completed each term, so students should carry the notebook with them wherever they go to collect any important and brilliant ideas, interesting lists, characters, dialogue, quotes, song lyrics, story ideas, or poems that they run into in daily life.  These books should become a resource to refer to in the future for life, and writing.  Much of the material collected will be valuable in future writing projects.  It takes training to use commonplace books so that they become useful, and it takes some focus and thought, but this practice can be an indispensable tool in the process of becoming a life-long, self-educated person.
Grading and Discipline Procedures
The most important rule in this class is:
Don’t do anything that would cause a problem for the teacher, yourself, or anyone else.
Here are a few ideas about how to avoid causing problems:
1. Be courteous and respectful to me as your teacher and mentor and to the other students in the class. Do not do anything that would be a problem or a distraction to me, to the other students or to yourself.
2. Be prepared. Sacrifice less valuable things for a transformational education. If you do not see the value in an assignment I give then come to me right away and we will seek another opportunity of equal rigor; this is your education, let’s make it work for you.
3. Work hard. We have two class periods a day. Focus, apply yourself, and be on task the whole time. Suspend other good behaviors for classroom learning behaviors. Exercise self-discipline and work hard in class.
4. Help me help you become a great learner and a great human being. Let me know what you would like to accomplish in this class and the ideas you have to make this year a transformational experience for you.
THIS IS YOUR EDUCATION. If I give an assignment of any kind that does not resonate with you, your mission and purpose, feel free to propose an alternate assignment that will work for your goals and cover the class content and context with similar rigor to the original assignment.  Seriously.
Maeser’s policies and procedures for discipline, uniforms, and general rules are followed as found in the student planner.  Please read these. At the beginning of each term, students will be given 100 Citizenship points. Any problems with student behavior, discipline, participation, attitude, cell phones, or other breaches of policy will result a loss of 5 points.
Late homework will lose 25% credit the first day late and will receive no credit after five days.  If you are absent it is your responsibility to come talk to me or ask a friend what was missed and complete the missed work.  Students have one day to make up work for every day of absence.  Late work will not be accepted after five days.

I will work to keep our class website updated to inform you about major upcoming assignments, tests and activities.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at shannon.cannon@maeserprep.org and I will reply as soon as possible.

Most of all
I love teaching and I can’t wait to get started.  I am excited about the topics and ideas we get to study and discuss together.  I hope that we will all work hard and learn tons so this will be an unforgettable year!  
Mrs. Cannon
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Materials Needed:
A Composition notebook (100 sheets/200 pages)
Folder or binder with filler paper for taking notes
Something to write with (shocking, I know...make it something that doesn't need to be sharpened)
Computer, printer, and internet access for writing papers, completing research assignments, and accessing information, assignments and notes from class.
I communicate best through email.  If you do not have computer access or check email, please let me know below.   Thank you.

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Please sign and return this page for points.
I have read and understood this disclosure document:
Parent Name (print):________________________________________________________
Parent Signature:___________________________________________________________
Student Name (print):_______________________________________________________
Student Signature:___________________________________________________________
Any additional information Mrs. Cannon needs to know: