Friday, February 20, 2015

Huck Finn Final Project

Huck Finn Final Project Options

Choose one to complete and present March 9th.

  1. If Huck had gone to a travel agency before starting his trip down the Mississippi River, there would have been no way that the agent could have planned such a trip. But if such a trip could have been planned, imagine how the travel brochure might have looked. Write and illustrate a travel brochure that shows some of the sights Huck saw and the activities in which he participated.  Include the life lessons that will be learned on the trip.

  1. Create a board game based on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.  The game must include a board to play on, any cards you’ll need to play, and pieces to move around the board.  It must make direct references to the events and characters in the book.  It must include consequences that correspond to actions based on society’s morals or Huck’s conscience.  It must be playable.

  1. Create a soundtrack for the story that includes songs that relate to major themes, characters, and events of the novel.  Turn in a paper describing your choices and why you choose them.  The paper should be at least 1 page, typed, double spaced.

  1. One of the central themes of Huck Finn is “the conflict between one’s upbringing and one’s conscience, between the corrupted world and the undefiled world of nature, or as Twain would formulate it, between a deformed conscience and a sound heart”. Choose one chapter or scene in the book and explain how it serves as a paradigm [an example or model] of this theme.  Write a thorough explanation.

  1. Write a chapter in the style of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn about an event(s) in your life. This should be an “adventure” which has an engaging style and it must include a problem that the reader must grapple with.

  1. Develop your own idea to illustrate your understanding of the themes, characters, and events of the novel.  Approve it with Mrs. Cannon and complete the project.  Be sure to fulfill all of the rubric requirements

Project Rubric: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn                                             

  • Project is neat and thorough
  • Project is original, creative, and thought-provoking
  • Project connects clearly and accurately with the book
  • Project is completed according to specifications
  • Project is turned in on time and completed with careful effort (not just thrown together at the last minute)
100 Points Total

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